Monday, September 8, 2008

Why I'm taking Dave Wiley's New Media class

Here are a few reasons (in no particular order)

1. Elder Ballard's BYU-Hawaii graduation address
2. It's the little "extra" incentive to jump into blogging that I need. I kept telling myself I would do it once "things slow down" a little - which I realize is only a self deception (or a pleasant fantasy) that such a thing will happen in the foreseeable future.
3. To start my creative juices running about how it could help accomplish some church-related goals and interests.
4. It's just a very exciting bonus that we'll be highly involved in open access discussions/activities. That's something I could become (over?)zealous about, because it adds passion and purpose to my natural interest and absorption in educational uses for technology.
5. Fun!
6. Association with great people and their attendant minds and spirits :-)

Blog title explanation

Really, it was just a whim, because I needed a name -- BUT -- it also is a subtle warning about:

  • my propensity to make any type of written communication longer than is necessary (or sometimes even prudent)
  • a possible downside of open access (or open content) initiatives, which is: SOOO much content that we are even more adrift in a sea of information without the requisite tools and skills (or restraint) to efficiently find only what is needed