Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catching Up!

After the "journey" there is always so much catching up to do, even if you do have jet lag :-). So let’s do a little assignment housekeeping:

Sharing Part 1: Delicious and Flickr.
Here is a link to my Delicious account (I actually think I prefer diigo – I know they aren’t exactly the same, but diigo works best for me) and I really do not have the time or brainpower to divide between two bookmarking sites – unless it’s really going to benefit me in some way –so there are just a few bookmarks there. (Sorry I know that in the world of social bookmarking that seems a selfish attitude, but really it’s a survival technique) And here is a link to my Flickr account (with a few seemingly random pictures to be explained later).

I liked this post from a (no-longer-updated) blog about "homework-casting" (or rather file-casting). I like it, because it’s one of those instances where someone figured out a nifty way of using an attribute of a technology for a (probably) unintended use. Read More......