Sunday, October 19, 2008

Into the Brainstorm

In an earlier post I promised this one would: "explore curious ideas, to seek out unusual perspectives, to boldly go where no one has cared much to go before (probably for good reasons)" This may not hold up under the scrutiny of "truth of advertising" but here are Read More......

Ports of Call – Social Networking Universe – Scholarly Research

(image by Laura Givens) This is going to be a REALLY quick (though NOT short) “dock”. There are so many “places” to visit and so little time! This whirlwind tour covers just four of the artifacts from my foray into the “scholarly” forest – and not as much synthesis as I would like, but…that’s life. I’ve tried to collect souvenirs that do double duty, that is they are scholarly research about social networks – but also have direct connections to education. Signing into an online library database (such as BYU's) maybe needed before being able to access these links. Read More......