Sunday, October 26, 2008

Strange Intersections - Revisited

This post discusses a dissertation that could have easily been included in my "scholarly research" post, but I felt it was worthy of a post of its own. The reason it’s a "strange intersection" is because it is directly related to three different significant academic interests of mine, and they all converged in one dissertation. In fact, I had trouble deciding on which blog to post it, and finally decided this one – and make a link to this post from my other blog. Read More......

Bits and Pieces

Or...maybe Bits and PCs (as in the type of computer rather than political correctness. Oh wait, maybe they are related after all! heh.) ANYWAY...In case you didn't actually look at my delicious bookmarks from my previous post, there are a few interesting (and current) ones that deal with social media and how it will weather (or thrive) in a poor economy. Read More......