Blogs, tweets, wikis, bookmarking, sharing, etc are all just planets orbiting the sun which is the gravitational force at the center of web 2.0: social networks. I think that it will take more than one post to cover my thoughts and brief travel through this solar system. So here’s my advance organizer travel itinerary (which of course may or may not materialize as planned)
First just a post about my experience that began with the assignment to join facebook, and include sightseeing there and a couple forays into the land of facebook apps.
[The launch]
Next a post that summarizes travel through some scholarly research about social networks – and how that may (or may not) apply to education.
[Ports of call]
Then winding up with ideas about places to consider visiting “off the beaten path” –to explore curious ideas, to seek out unusual perspectives, to boldly go where no one has cared much to go before (probably for good reasons)
[Into the Brainstorm]
Optional side-travels: I may place a link to my journaled thoughts and musings that focus more on an eternal perspective of what this all “means” or where it might all fit from a personal and gospel perspective.
Welcome aboard… please prepare for take off... we ask you to place your comments in the upright but un-locked position…it should be a real…trip…(multiple meanings purposely implied)
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