Sunday, October 26, 2008

Strange Intersections - Revisited

This post discusses a dissertation that could have easily been included in my "scholarly research" post, but I felt it was worthy of a post of its own. The reason it’s a "strange intersection" is because it is directly related to three different significant academic interests of mine, and they all converged in one dissertation. In fact, I had trouble deciding on which blog to post it, and finally decided this one – and make a link to this post from my other blog. Read More......

Bits and Pieces

Or...maybe Bits and PCs (as in the type of computer rather than political correctness. Oh wait, maybe they are related after all! heh.) ANYWAY...In case you didn't actually look at my delicious bookmarks from my previous post, there are a few interesting (and current) ones that deal with social media and how it will weather (or thrive) in a poor economy. Read More......

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Catching Up!

After the "journey" there is always so much catching up to do, even if you do have jet lag :-). So let’s do a little assignment housekeeping:

Sharing Part 1: Delicious and Flickr.
Here is a link to my Delicious account (I actually think I prefer diigo – I know they aren’t exactly the same, but diigo works best for me) and I really do not have the time or brainpower to divide between two bookmarking sites – unless it’s really going to benefit me in some way –so there are just a few bookmarks there. (Sorry I know that in the world of social bookmarking that seems a selfish attitude, but really it’s a survival technique) And here is a link to my Flickr account (with a few seemingly random pictures to be explained later).

I liked this post from a (no-longer-updated) blog about "homework-casting" (or rather file-casting). I like it, because it’s one of those instances where someone figured out a nifty way of using an attribute of a technology for a (probably) unintended use. Read More......

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Into the Brainstorm

In an earlier post I promised this one would: "explore curious ideas, to seek out unusual perspectives, to boldly go where no one has cared much to go before (probably for good reasons)" This may not hold up under the scrutiny of "truth of advertising" but here are Read More......

Ports of Call – Social Networking Universe – Scholarly Research

(image by Laura Givens) This is going to be a REALLY quick (though NOT short) “dock”. There are so many “places” to visit and so little time! This whirlwind tour covers just four of the artifacts from my foray into the “scholarly” forest – and not as much synthesis as I would like, but…that’s life. I’ve tried to collect souvenirs that do double duty, that is they are scholarly research about social networks – but also have direct connections to education. Signing into an online library database (such as BYU's) maybe needed before being able to access these links. Read More......

Friday, October 17, 2008

Why I love/hate our New Media class.

We interrupt my regularly scheduled blog to bring you this news flash. The opinions of the author expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the class instructor, the McKay School of Education, BYU, or any other student in the class.

heh. First let me make one thing perfectly clear: the title of this post has nothing to do with the individual members that make up the class, but rather with its content. No. It's not really the content but rather Read More......

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Launch

I chose Facebook as my carrier into the “system” of social networks. It began uneventfully, I found family easily enough: one (of three) brothers (is it kosher for a stake president to have a facebook account with 139 “friends”? :-), neither of my two sisters, quite a few nieces, a nephew, the youngest (of 5) of my own children, one daughter-in-law, and one sister-in-law. I also readily found several IP&T friends. There were two additional friends that I found unexpectedly: Read More......

We're OFF!

Blogs, tweets, wikis, bookmarking, sharing, etc are all just planets orbiting the sun which is the gravitational force at the center of web 2.0: social networks. I think that it will take more than one post to cover my thoughts and brief travel through this solar system. So here’s my advance organizer travel itinerary (which of course may or may not materialize as planned) Read More......

Monday, October 6, 2008

Social Networking: Multiple views?

"Overwhelmed into inactivity" is a favorite saying of a great friend of mine. She says that whenever there is so much to do/say/think about/process that wheels just spin instead of moving forward. It's not the deer-in-the-headlights-frozen-with-fear inactivity, but more like how your computer just kind of sits there and does nothing and yet does more than it's ever done before, while you're running several memory hogging apps, and then open ONE MORE! Read More......